We aim to provide a caring, high quality service and are always pleased to receive your feedback, both positive and negative.

We aim to provide a caring, high-quality service and are always pleased to receive your feedback, both positive and negative. However, we recognise that we don’t always get it right. If the service you received has not met your expectations then we would like to know why.
Contact us:
You can complain in writing to us in the post, by email, or by speaking to someone in our organisation. Download our NHS complaints procedure guide for guidance on how to lodge a complaint.
Anyone can complain, including young people. Family members, carers, friends, or your local MP can complain on your behalf, with your permission.
All patients have the right to confidentiality, therefore if a complaint is received from a patient’s relative, carer or friend, the patient will be contacted and asked to sign a consent form. If a patient is under the age of 16, their representative (e.g. parent or guardian) will be asked to sign the consent form.
Where a patient lacks capacity to give their consent, or where a patient has passed away, our Quality team will contact the patient’s relative, carer or friend to discuss consent options.